
Inspire is Eakin Healthcare’s monthly blog, breathing life into respiratory care. Succinct, clinical insights for busy healthcare professionals.


Inspire is Eakin Healthcare’s monthly blog, breathing life into respiratory care. Succinct, clinical insights for busy healthcare professionals.
INSPIRE Intraventricular Haemorrhage in Preterm Infants Pathophysiology Risk Factors and Management 1 1 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Intraventricular Haemorrhage in Preterm Infants: Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Management

Intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) is a critical complication in preterm infants, predominantly affecting those born before 30 weeks of gestation or weighing less than 1500 grams.
Monitoring in High Flow Oxygen Therapy and Non Invasive Ventilation 1 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Monitoring in HFOT and Non-Invasive Ventilation: A Vital Aspect of Patient Care

High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) and Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) have revolutionised respiratory care by offering...
Inspire identity for the blog transferring the critically unwell patient

Transferring the critically unwell patient

Transferring patients can be defined as any movement outside of the bedspace. These movements can...
The benefits of heated humidified gases in the delivery suite 1 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

The benefits of heated, humidified gases in the delivery suite

The concept of humidified gases in the neonatal environment is not alien, after all, it...
Non Pharmacological Management of Delirium in Critically Ill Patients Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Non-Pharmacological Management of Delirium in Critically Ill Patients

Delirium is a common and serious condition in critically ill patients, characterised by acute changes...
NetZero2045 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Working Together. Improving lives – Sustainably

Armstrong Medical, now part of Eakin Healthcare, are an organisation that take pride in doing...
Illustration explaining the difference between a health lung and a lung suffering from pneumonia

Exploring the Role of HFOT and CPAP in Pneumonia Management

Pneumonia is defined by the National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE) as an infection...
Mucociliary Escalator Inspire Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

The Mucociliary Escalator

An effective mucociliary escalator will transport mucus, with any captured foreign particles, in an upstream...
Inspire Blog

Health Literacy: A guide to improving patient communication

According to Health Education England (2020), Healthcare organisations need to ensure that the information they...
Inspire Blog

The Fight Against RSV

RSV usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms, but can lead to more serious issues such as...
Illustration of two patients wearing a NIV mask and a Helmet

The Right Fit: Choosing Patient Interfaces for Effective Non-Invasive Ventilation

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) are widely used therapies and effective...
Infographic of the gas exchange that occurs in the alveolus and lungs

Postoperative Hypoxemia: Optimising Recovery with Oxygen Therapies

Hypoxemia is defined as inadequate tissue oxygenation due to either inadequate blood flow or arterial...
Infographic of the effects ARDS has on the lungs

The Critical Care Practitioner’s guide to ARDS: traits and treatment

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a severe lung condition characterised by rapid onset of...
the rise of high flow oxygen therapy Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Management of Bronchiolitis, what does the evidence say?

Bronchiolitis is a common chest infection that affects babies and children under two and due...
Illustration of 4 nurses and a doctor holding a baby

Perinatal Excellence: Teamwork Matters

The environment of the neonatal care setting is one of the most complex, with perhaps...
Use of CPAP in recovery shows potential to reduce ICU post operative admissions Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Use of CPAP in recovery shows potential to reduce ICU post operative admissions

The use of High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) is increasing both for Preoxygenation and Apnoeic...
An image of a mother holding her newborn

Enabling cuddles with delivery room CPAP

The changes that occur for both mother and baby during and after childbirth are truly...
Inspire Blog Breath of Life by Armstrong Medical

Breath of Life: Navigating Oxygen Therapy for PARDS

Paediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (PARDS) is a type of acute lung injury that occurs...
Rendering of a patient receiving POINT via the AquaVENT FD140i

How to THRIVE in the Operating Theatre

What is the THRIVE technique? How does it work? Why would you consider using it?...
An image of a patient receiving early mobilisation in ICU

The importance of early mobilisation in ICU

The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) ICU Liberation Campaign (2018) aims to liberate patients...
The benefits of heating and humidifying gases in the perioperative setting Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

The benefits of heating and humidifying gases in the perioperative setting

The use of heated and humidified gases in the perioperative setting has become increasingly popular...
Neonate receiving heated, humidified resuscitation

The role of heated, humidified resuscitation in reducing pre-term hypothermia

The landscape of neonatal care has changed drastically since premature babies were cared for in...
Diagram of a patient having their mask fitted

Reducing Medical Device Related Pressure Ulcers

Hospital patients susceptible to pressure ulcers during a stay in hospital is both unfortunate and...
Diagaram showing the difference between CPAP and BiLevel

One or two pressures: The differences between CPAP and Bilevel PAP

With different nomenclatures used in healthcare around the world, it is easy to get caught...
Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Be Prepared

Respiratory syncytial virus is an enveloped RNA virus and is in the same family as...
An illustration showing healthy alveoli vs unhealthy alveoli in fluid filled lungs

Fluid filled lungs; causes and treatment

Non-invasive positive airway pressure therapy is used extensively in healthcare to support patients with varying...
An image showcasing the formula for the ROX index

The highs and lows of the ROX index

The ROX index (Respiratory rate and OXygenation) gives an indication of who is going to...
An image of a baby receiving kangaroo care

Is there something we can learn from Kangaroos?

Recent studies show the early introduction of Kangaroo care can have a dramatic positive impact...
Illustration for INSPIRE blog demystifying in ICU

Demystifying humidification in ICU

Inspire is Armstrong Medical’s monthly blog, breathing life into respiratory care. Succinct, clinical insights for...
INSPIRE Intraventricular Haemorrhage in Preterm Infants Pathophysiology Risk Factors and Management 1 1 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Intraventricular Haemorrhage in Preterm Infants: Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Management

Intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) is a critical complication in preterm infants, predominantly affecting those born before...
Monitoring in High Flow Oxygen Therapy and Non Invasive Ventilation 1 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Monitoring in HFOT and Non-Invasive Ventilation: A Vital Aspect of Patient Care

High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) and Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) have revolutionised respiratory care by offering...
Inspire identity for the blog transferring the critically unwell patient

Transferring the critically unwell patient

Transferring patients can be defined as any movement outside of the bedspace. These movements can...
The benefits of heated humidified gases in the delivery suite 1 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

The benefits of heated, humidified gases in the delivery suite

The concept of humidified gases in the neonatal environment is not alien, after all, it...
Non Pharmacological Management of Delirium in Critically Ill Patients Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Non-Pharmacological Management of Delirium in Critically Ill Patients

Delirium is a common and serious condition in critically ill patients, characterised by acute changes...
NetZero2045 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Working Together. Improving lives – Sustainably

Armstrong Medical, now part of Eakin Healthcare, are an organisation that take pride in doing...
Illustration explaining the difference between a health lung and a lung suffering from pneumonia

Exploring the Role of HFOT and CPAP in Pneumonia Management

Pneumonia is defined by the National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE) as an infection...
Mucociliary Escalator Inspire Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

The Mucociliary Escalator

An effective mucociliary escalator will transport mucus, with any captured foreign particles, in an upstream...
Inspire Blog

Health Literacy: A guide to improving patient communication

According to Health Education England (2020), Healthcare organisations need to ensure that the information they...
Inspire Blog

The Fight Against RSV

RSV usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms, but can lead to more serious issues such as...
Illustration of two patients wearing a NIV mask and a Helmet

The Right Fit: Choosing Patient Interfaces for Effective Non-Invasive Ventilation

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) are widely used therapies and effective...
Infographic of the gas exchange that occurs in the alveolus and lungs

Postoperative Hypoxemia: Optimising Recovery with Oxygen Therapies

Hypoxemia is defined as inadequate tissue oxygenation due to either inadequate blood flow or arterial...
Infographic of the effects ARDS has on the lungs

The Critical Care Practitioner’s guide to ARDS: traits and treatment

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a severe lung condition characterised by rapid onset of...
the rise of high flow oxygen therapy Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Management of Bronchiolitis, what does the evidence say?

Bronchiolitis is a common chest infection that affects babies and children under two and due...
Illustration of 4 nurses and a doctor holding a baby

Perinatal Excellence: Teamwork Matters

The environment of the neonatal care setting is one of the most complex, with perhaps...
Use of CPAP in recovery shows potential to reduce ICU post operative admissions Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Use of CPAP in recovery shows potential to reduce ICU post operative admissions

The use of High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) is increasing both for Preoxygenation and Apnoeic...
An image of a mother holding her newborn

Enabling cuddles with delivery room CPAP

The changes that occur for both mother and baby during and after childbirth are truly...
Inspire Blog Breath of Life by Armstrong Medical

Breath of Life: Navigating Oxygen Therapy for PARDS

Paediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (PARDS) is a type of acute lung injury that occurs...
Rendering of a patient receiving POINT via the AquaVENT FD140i

How to THRIVE in the Operating Theatre

What is the THRIVE technique? How does it work? Why would you consider using it?...
An image of a patient receiving early mobilisation in ICU

The importance of early mobilisation in ICU

The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) ICU Liberation Campaign (2018) aims to liberate patients...
The benefits of heating and humidifying gases in the perioperative setting Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

The benefits of heating and humidifying gases in the perioperative setting

The use of heated and humidified gases in the perioperative setting has become increasingly popular...
Neonate receiving heated, humidified resuscitation

The role of heated, humidified resuscitation in reducing pre-term hypothermia

The landscape of neonatal care has changed drastically since premature babies were cared for in...
Diagram of a patient having their mask fitted

Reducing Medical Device Related Pressure Ulcers

Hospital patients susceptible to pressure ulcers during a stay in hospital is both unfortunate and...
Diagaram showing the difference between CPAP and BiLevel

One or two pressures: The differences between CPAP and Bilevel PAP

With different nomenclatures used in healthcare around the world, it is easy to get caught...
Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Be Prepared

Respiratory syncytial virus is an enveloped RNA virus and is in the same family as...
An illustration showing healthy alveoli vs unhealthy alveoli in fluid filled lungs

Fluid filled lungs; causes and treatment

Non-invasive positive airway pressure therapy is used extensively in healthcare to support patients with varying...
An image showcasing the formula for the ROX index

The highs and lows of the ROX index

The ROX index (Respiratory rate and OXygenation) gives an indication of who is going to...
An image of a baby receiving kangaroo care

Is there something we can learn from Kangaroos?

Recent studies show the early introduction of Kangaroo care can have a dramatic positive impact...
Illustration for INSPIRE blog demystifying in ICU

Demystifying humidification in ICU

Inspire is Armstrong Medical’s monthly blog, breathing life into respiratory care. Succinct, clinical insights for...