International Women in Engineering Day 2022

Today we celebrate Christina, Vicky and Paige as part of International Women in Engineering Day.

International Women in Engineering Day 2022

Today we celebrate Christina, Vicky and Paige as part of International Women in Engineering Day.
International Women in Enginnering image from 2022
International Women in Enginnering image from 2022

Meet Christina:

Christina has worked for Armstrong Medical since September 2019 and this was her first engineering role since graduating from Ulster University with a degree in Mechatronic Engineering.

Christina worked as an Electronic Development and Assembly Engineer until April 2022, with this role covering R&D activity, overseeing the production of our AquaVENT FD140i, maintenance activity, technical customer support and technical customer training.  In her new role as Process Engineer, Christina is working on the new Amsorb plant project and identifying possible Continuous Improvement projects.

Keep up the great work Christina; you are a valued member of our team.

FV7dZ xXkAAVeoy Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Meet Vicky:

Vicky has been with Armstrong Medical since January 2018 and has worked in various departments within the company, with most of this time working with CNC machines to produce heated wires for breathing circuits.  In February 2021 Vicky became a part of the Electromedical Team and has been working on the production, calibration, testing, servicing and repairing of various medical devices including gas flow drivers and humidifiers. Vicky has gained a great deal of experience in her role and would encourage other women and girls to give serious consideration to a career in engineering.

You’re a great role model Vicky – well done

FV7HVEvXwAE2mWL Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Meet Paige:

Paige started with Armstrong medical in 2020 at the start of the pandemic and she came from the catering industry. Paige is in fact a qualified chef, but with hospitality closing down at that time, Paige wanted to do her bit to help the medical industry. Starting in the wire cell, Paige produced heated inspiratory and expiratory wires for our breathing circuits. She quickly became a valued member of the Plastics’ Team and had shown keen interest in the day-to-day running of the Mould Shop, so her next move was to become a floor operator. While on the floor Paige took great interest in the running of the injection moulding and extrusion machines and as a result as from 1st July Paige will become our first female trainee setter. In this role Paige will be able to put her engineering qualifications into practice. Outside of work Paige loves nothing more than working on cars and motorbikes with the wealth of knowledge she has gained working with her father.

We are very proud of you Paige – congratulations on your new role.

FV7HVEnWYAAFLr Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

International Women in Engineering Day 2022 gives women engineers around the world a profile and plays a vital role in encouraging more young women and girls to take up engineering careers.

#ImagineTheFuture | INWED1919 Eakin Healthcare

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